To ensure vitality of crops.
In order to provide practical solutions to cultivation in soils where difficult conditions persist, it is necessary to understand what is at the basis of the balances established in the plant – soil system.
For this purpose, Cifo proposes a strategy that represents the result of years of collaboration between universities, research centers and its own agronomic service, developing sustainable bio-formulates, which integrate prebiotic and probiotic actions able to positively enrich and balance the microbiome of the rhizosphere.
Behind the effectiveness of these formulas, lies the combined action of probiotic compounds and useful microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria or their metabolites.
Following this same logic, two products have been developed: Blok L and Blok Sinergy. They represent the star – products used in synergy to ensure vitality of crops in difficult soils. But what are their strengths that distinguish them from other products on the market? Let’s find out by summarizing the characteristics that make them unique.
First of all, we refer to these specialties considering them as bioregulators with pre and probiotic function able to make crops produce at their maximum capacity even in extremely difficult soil conditions, with the presence of soil adversities.
By favoring the relationship between the plant and beneficial soil microorganisms (mutualism),
Blok L and Blok Sinergy promote radical development and functionality, fortifying the natural barrier effect of the rhizobiome

Presenting the first specialty that makes up the Cifo strategy, Blok L can be described as a bioformulate characterized by a dual mechanism of action: it acts simultaneously through a prebiotic action towards the soil microbiome and an action to support the root system exerted by substances of natural origin that generate a constant renewal and invigoration of damaged organs.
The ones we are talking about are the terpene compounds, commonly found in nature as substances produced by the secondary metabolism of plants.
The same compound also possesses, among the various biological functions, the peculiarity of making inhospitable the radical zone weakened by the presence of soil adversities.

We were able to integrate these natural properties in formulation by implementing them through TE. CO. technology (Terpenic Compounds) in combination with the pure extract of Macrocystis integrifolia seaweed.
This interaction also gives the bioformulate a strong anti-stress activity that allows those who use the product to complete the harvest with satisfaction and, to the plant, to carry out its normal cycle even when difficult conditions arise in the soil.
The product finds the best effectiveness always used in combination with Blok Sinergy a specialty in which Pochonia clamydosporia spores are present: a microorganism that in the soil behaves like an endophyte, favoring the absorption and translocation into the root of the terpenes present in Blok L.

The product acts as a hen as a probiotic, an action that is carried out radically through an exploration of larger spaces in the soil. The plant benefits in the form of greater growth and greater resistance to the conditions that may hinder its development.
In addition, the microorganisms contained in the formulation colonize the rhizosphere and regulate the soil microbiome. They promote and improve plant development
Strategy of application.
By favouring the relationship between the plant and beneficial soil microorganisms (mutualism), Blok L and Blok Sinergy promote radical development and functionality, fortifying the natural barrier effect of the rhizobiome.
Applied in a synergistic strategy in fertigation, Blok L (prebiotic) and Blok Sinergy (probiotic) preserve optimal production and quality levels, even in the presence of soil adversities.
Close to sowing or transplanting | Blok L + Blok Sinergy |
After 20-30 days | Blok L |
After 30-40 days. | Blok L + Blok Sinergy |
After 30-40 days | Blok L |