Stop to diseases and insects


Allowed in organic agriculture

Approved for organic agriculture

Pure concentrate of Macrocystis Integrifolia


Completely natural biological product based on propolis able to stimulate plants natural defences.
The high content of galangins contained in PROPOLI CIFO activates the resistance of the plants towards insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses.
The use of PROPOLI CIFO enhances, furthermore, cicatrization of wounds deriving from pruning, bad weather conditions, and/or pests attacks and stimulates pollination processes and small fruits formation.
CIFO Propolis leaves no residues on the plants for direct human consumption (fruits and vegetables)


FOLIAR APPLICATION: Preventive treatments: uniformly water approximately every 15 days. When symptoms are present: treat at least 3 times at distance of about 3-­5 days.

In case of suffering roots and/or plant neck, treat by ROOT APPLICATION. Treat 3-­4 times every 10-­15 days.

Use CIFO PROPOLI on vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, egg plants, zucchinis, cucumbers, melons, carrots, tomatoes) aromatic plants, strawberries, fruit trees, flowering and ornamental crops in general.


200 ml; 500 ml