It is perfect to supply complete nourishment to all Geraniums and flowering ornamental plants (Rose, Begonia, Hortense, Petunia, Tulip, Calla, Azalea, Jasmine, etc.) grown in the garden.
Nutrients are contained in a specific NPK ratio rich in Potassium to enhance flower colour, perfume and duration. It is enriched with microelements that favour flowering and prevent unaesthetic leaf yellowing. The excellent results of its use give rich and long-lasting flowering for wonderful decorative and ornamental effects.
Period and instruction for use
Leaf Application (by means of sprayer or backpack pump): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 3 lt of water and use the solution obtained to thoroughly spray leaves.
Soil watering (watering can): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 5 lt of water and apply to the soil the proper quantity of the solution obtained.
The fertilizer shall be used at regular intervals, intensifying applications on plants during flowering.
Repeat applications every 10 days.
600 g box