This fertilizer is perfect to supply complete nourishment to Citrus (Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Clementine, Citron and Kumquat) grown in pots or open field, in the vegetable garden and in the garden.
It contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in the perfect ratio to favour bud and leaf growth, to enhance flowering and to yield healthy, coloured and tasty fruits.
It is enriched with specific microelements to avoid leaf yellowing, poor bud growth, difficult flower fertilization and fruit fall.
Period and instruction for use
Leaf application (by means of sprayer or backpack pump): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 3 lt of water and use the solution obtained to thoroughly spray leaves.
Soil watering (watering can): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 5 lt of water and apply to the soil below plant foliage.
For grown-up trees, in the soil, use 8-10 lt of the solution obtained; for plants in pots distribute 3-6 lt according to the diameter of the pot.
600 g box