ALGATRON is a seaweed based specialty obtained from Macrocystis integrifolia.
The exclusive production process keeps all natural biologically active substances such as carbohydrates, vitamins, essential amino acids and polyphenols intact. ALGATRON, thanks to the natural substances contained, positively influences germination and radical development, intensifies the natural defenses towards physiological and biological stress (frost, drought, nutritional imbalance, etc.), and favors the growth and maturation of fruit and vegetablesi.
ALGATRON can be used on all plants, it is particularly indicated in the first vegetative phases (post-sowing / transplanting, spring awakening) and in the final phases to improve the qualitative characteristics (size, color, taste, etc.) and the preservability of fruit and vegetables. In combination with CIFO fertilizers, ALGATRON promotes and improves the absorption of nutrients.
Dilute a measuring cup (18-20 ml) every 2 liters of water and directly water the soil. Repeat the treatments after 10-12 days.
Bottle 200 ml; 500 ml