It supplies the proper nourishment to ornamental and vegetable plants. Elements are contained in a balanced ratio, so to favour foliage development, enhance flowering and ensure the yield of healthy, coloured and tasty vegetables and fruits. It has been created with high quality and extremely pure raw materials and it will have excellent effects on the plants, enabling harmonious growth and rich flowering.
Period and instruction for use
Leaf application (by means of sprayer or backpack pump): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 3 lt of water and use the solution obtained to thoroughly spray leaves.
Soil watering (watering can): Fill the measuring cap up to the level 1 (9 g), dissolve the content in 5 lt of water and apply to the soil the proper quantity of the solution obtained. For grown-up trees, in the soil, use 8-10 lt of solution below plant foliage.
Repeat applications every 10-15 days.
600 g box