CIFOUMIC is a liquid formulation based on humic and fulvic acids with several positive actions both on the soil and directly on plants.
Used by fertigation, the product improves nutrients uptake (phosphates, iron, microelements, etc.) through a “complexing” and “protective” action; stimulates the activity of soil microrganisms, and enhances some physical-chemical soil features (water retention capacity, cationic exchange capacity, etc.).
Moreover CIFOUMIC makes inactive several organic molecules, protecting plants and microorganisms from too high pesticides concentration.
Used by foliar application, CIFOUMIC promotes new tissues growth, in particular the development of sprouts and fruits.
BIOSTIMULANT pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 75/2010
- Increases nutrients uptake by roots
- Stimulates new roots growth
- Enhances soil fertility
1 L; 10 L; 20 L