S3 foliar is an innovative composition based on Iron, specifically conceived by Cifo, to rapidly cure the yellowing of the leaves (iron chlorosis).
Thanks to the photo resistant chelating agent (Fe-DTPA) S3 foliar is highly effective on the leaves; moreover, the presence of manganese improves its effectiveness for the cure of chlorosis and improves the photosynthesis potentiality of the treated plants.
S3 foliar is enriched with specific coformulants for high cuticular penetration, that favour leaf absorption of the microelements and their transport where they are needed (cell apoplast), thus, helping the plant to restore a perfect nutritional balance after the stress caused by chlorosis.
The plants treated with S3 foliar are more active, vital and developed, with an improvement in the quantity and quality of yields, such as for example an increase in the production of pear trees and stony fruits, the intensification of the colour of leaf vegetables and of the kiwi pulp, the vegetative growth in alfalfa and in the green fronds of the nursery plants.
1 L