The participation of the Biolchim-Cifo Group at the latest Macfrut – the important international Trade Fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, which this year recorded a total of 43 thousand presences -, proved extremely successful.

Very good results were obtained during the meeting promoted by Biolchim and Cifo for international customers, who were able to take part in the sharing of market trend data and planned future strategies, and receive useful information on new products.

Within this framework, the contribution of Leonardo Valenti, CEO of the group, who strategically discussed the market of biostimulants by presenting the vision of the group, was followed by the inputs of Theodore Krintas, in charge of Export Business Development, who analysed the key success factors for the export markets, and Marco Civitareale, PM of the group, who outlined the WIN (Worldwide Innovation Network) project, a network of international collaborations aimed at creating innovation. The variety of partnerships with Universities, Research Centres and Testing Facilities part of the WIN network and the many field trials being completed during 2018 were presented by Carlo Civolani, agronomist of the Research and Development Team of the Group.

A lot of interest was also triggered by the participation to the Biostimulant Focus workshop, organised by Image Line. During the workshop, Leonardo Valenti, CEO of Biolchim-Cifo, discussed the experience of the group as international leader of the sector. Also worthy of mention was the technical in-depth analysis by Marco Civitareale on the role of biostimulants in the resistance to abiotic stress and for the quality of crops. The event drew the attention of an extremely vast public, so much so that an increase of the capacity of the hall used was required.