CIFO KS 64 is a formula especially created to provide cultivations with POTASSIUM and SULPHUR, in a totally assimilable shape.

The innovative formula, thanks to the physiologically acid reaction and the presence of specific carriers with a complexing protective action is characterised by an extraordinary absorption and translocation capability both on a leaf and root level.

CIFO KS 64 is enriched with L-Proline, a natural amino acid particularly indicated to fight hydrosaline stresses; it also promotes fruit and vegetables colouring during the cycle final stages.

Under the agronomic profile, CIFO KS 64 allows to:

  • Improve the quality of the final production: sugars content, colour, pulp consistency, smells and aromatic substances;
  • Obtain plants more robust and resistant to environmental and physiological stresses.


20 L

Idrofloral Ca L


IDROFLORAL Ca L is a fertilizer specially designed for applications by fertigation, both in the open field and in greenhouses, and in hydroponics.

Its specific liquid formulation and the purity of its ingredients ensure ease of use and dosage and rapid absorption of the calcium and magnesium by roots, boron acts sinergically with calcium, improving the strenght and elasticity of plant tissues.


20 L; 200 L



Molifoss is a foliar fertilizer based on Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, enriched with Manganese and Molybdenum, microelements that support plants during their growth and production phases.

Phosphorus supply is fundamental for seed formation and energy transfer in the plant.

Magnesium is a key component of chlorophyll therefore supports photosynthetic activity, while Zinc is a major element in many proteins and enzymes that contribute to vegetative growth and cell elongation.

Molybdenum and Manganese are key elements in the process of nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen fixation in legumes.

Deficiencies of those elements cause a poor nodulation therefore a reduction in nitrogen availability to the plant.

  • Increases the production of legumes
  • Enhances root development in the early phases
  • Improves photosynthetic activity and nitrogen metabolism


10 L